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  • 11-APR-2024 | Sainsbury’s “Pentland Crown” Ad

11-APR-2024 | Sainsbury’s “Pentland Crown” Ad

Sainsbury’s “Pentland Crown” Ad

Twist the knife.
The first 40% of this ad is just that.

This is a Pentland Crown, the most widely grown potato in Britain. Sainsbury’s refuse to sell them.

They turn grey and crumble when you boil them.

They go soggy when you mash them. And they make very poor chips.

Indeed we think they’re not much good for anything.

Yet, in many places, if you simply ask for potatoes, there’s a good chance that Pentland Crown is what you’ll be given.

Heaven knows why, for there are so many other varieties that, in our opinion, are better in every way.

And we pride ourselves that we understand a thing or two about potatoes.