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  • 12-FEB-2024 | Excerpt from Bragg Apple Cider’s “Why in the world” Ad

12-FEB-2024 | Excerpt from Bragg Apple Cider’s “Why in the world” Ad

Excerpt from Bragg Apple Cider’s “Why in the world” Ad

Why in the world does this ad exist?

It definitely wasn’t our idea. We’ll tell you that much.

Why would an ad for Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar be a good idea?

This was the question we kept asking ourselves.

Over and over.

Hell, it even kept us up at night.

And who wants to lie awake after a long day of work, staring at the ceiling with apple cider vinegar on the mind?

There are so many other things we should be thinking about.

Like what’s for breakfast tomorrow. Or, the fact that taxes are due next month and we haven’t even printed the forms.

There are forms, right?

Or do we get a guy to handle it?

Eh, we’ll worry about that later.